After 2 years of heavy research on how to raise and properly care for horses, my husband and I finally fulfilled our life long dream of owning horses.
Our story begins in September 2020. Odin was our original horse who we instantly fell in love with from the moment we saw him. He was a yearling black Clydesdale. He came to us very malnourished, underweight and had a broken spirit. It was our job to rescue him. With Odin, we went through 2 different horses that both ended in devastating tragedy only 20 days apart due to improper breeding. My husband and I were heart broken, not to mention how lonely Odin became. But then in November 2020, all of our lives changed in the greatest possible way… we found Luna. Actually, she found us. Some things in this world are just meant to be. And Luna was meant to come home to us. She was a beautiful weanling Clydesdale who came from an excellent home. Her full registered name was “Light of Luna.” The name Luna means “enlightening the dark world.” She brought the light back to not only myself and my husband, but to Odin. When I brought Luna home to Odin that joyous day, he literally started running and bucking with happiness. His sprit was alive again. All of our spirits were alive again.
Things were so wonderful, amazing actually .. the bond these two horses had with each other was indescribable. From the moment they first met, to the day they passed away together, it was as if they were soulmates … and the bond that I had with them was also incredible. No words could explain it. We were best friends. Our souls were one.
Odin was the most gentle spirit you would ever meet. When you looked into his eyes you could feel his soul. You could feel the gentleness, the kindness, the love. It stopped you in your tracks you know? It took my breath away every time I looked at him. All I could do was just close my eyes, exhale and just feel my heart beat. The bond I had with Odin was unlike any other. You could see and feel our souls colliding.
Luna was truly the light. When you looked into her eyes you could feel her spirit and how alive and vibrant she was. And you didn’t just feel it in your heart, you could see it physically, because she showed you every second of the day how much spirit she had. You knew exactly what she was feeling and thinking at all times. Luna’s soul was on fire! She burned so bright. She was the sweetest, most beautiful and loving girl you would ever meet.
Scroll forward 7 months to June 2021, and things started to go down hill. Odin was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that made his hind end shake so badly that he would collapse. It was devastating to watch and continued to get worse by the day. We knew that Odin didn’t have much time left. And then one day out of nowhere, Luna got hurt. She tore a major tendon in her hind leg. She would never be able to run again and would never make a full recovery. I can’t explain it, but it was as if she knew Odin didn’t have much time left, and she knew she couldn’t be without him.
On July 7 2021, my husband and I made the heartbreaking decision. They had to go together. Odin was only 22 months old when he passed and Luna was only 14 months old. That day, my whole world came crashing down around me. I could never imagine how much my life would change. Odin and Luna will forever have a piece of my heart. And it is now my duty to pass on my knowledge, and to provide a horse care multi-tool to the world that honours my beloved baby Clydesdales who’s lives were cut short in the most unfair of ways.
Inspired by, and named after Odin and Luna, the LundinTOOL™ (pronounced loon-din) will help get horse owners one step closer to that amazing, everlasting bond with their horses in the simplest, but yet most effective way - spending time together while performing basic horse care tasks.
- Steff Carlson - Old Soul Ranch Ltd.-
"Horses carry the wisdom of healing in their hearts and offer it to any human who possesses the humility to listen...their souls touch and change the lives of all who are around them and we will do our part to touch and change theirs."
- Old Soul Ranch Ltd. -